


The Spirit within me honors and respects the Spirit within you.

Our organization, foreign and domestic, shares the same passion for great curry, cold Indian beer and camaraderie for the club.

In May 2007 Chris Martin and Leom Holley decided to go for a curry after work at Staddlestones in Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham to discuss life, careers and Indian Food. The topic of the best curry house in and around Cheltenham came up so it was decided that the month after they should go for another curry, but at different Indian Restaurant.

From then on, friends and colleagues were invited (on an invitation only basis). The name Cheltenham And Surrounding Areas Curry Club (CASACC) was introduced, and due to the size of the club basic rules had to be put in place to ensure general order to what was becoming a rowdy bunch. Official scoring and write ups were also introduced in order to compare Restaurants more effectively, and in 2013 the website was released with league tables and yearly winners of the Curry Club of the Year. The site www.casacc.co.uk was set up to track the scores

In 2014 the Club then grew into Clearwater, Florida after US resident Mark Malouin was invited to a Curry night on one of his UK visits. Mark set up Clearwater and Surrounding Areas Curry Club (CASACC). And finally in 2015 founding member Leom Holley relocated to Cincinnati and set up the Cincinnati arm of the Club (CASACC). Our search for the best curry continues globally…

